2006 RSX type-S DC5 straight pipe exhaust


lol i met him before, at the mexico meet...he's pretty much stock with a with exhast and RH, i dunno if he got a intake yet, i met him a while back, havent talked to him since. cool guy, sweet ass ride... lol forgot to see if he fixed the scratch on his front bumper.


not really, cops dont really give a fuck in houston, just the small county sheriff might have a problem. but we mostly get away with shit in houston :thumbs up


BBS wanted
Thats how mine;s sounds but witha lower growl, I have sooo much fun on tunnel pissing people off, but I do have 2 tickets just this month :cry:


New Member
ehh... waaay too much noise for me, that would get really really annoying. and a straight pipe with his mods really doesnt do shit... oh well, its his car


not really..the k20z1 is extremely bolt on friendy...he's putting out good amount of power with those mods. for your car its prolly wont give u much. but with the k20z1 there are real gains.


look what i bumped into, on a local thread...

turns out he just got into a wreck...the car is total'd lol funny how u posted a vid of his car..and now its totaled....but yea it sucks, here are the pics

lol here's him giving the thumbs up, he's rich so i guess he dont care

he's cool, only met him twice, but we'll see wat his next car will be


wanna get his head...but nobody has tried a k20z1 head on a a3 yet...it might work just harder...not to be mean but i'm kinda waiting for a a2 owner to wreck so i can get my hands on some parts =)


1 bad LS
Sounds pretty tough to me. And chirpping 3rd is impressive on a crappy stock clutch. Around here u would get yanked for the noise probably. Sounds like H-town kinda laid back though, after all that is Mike Jones's hometown. Damn that thing is fucked ! :rocker:


MoJoJoJo said:
wanna get his head...but nobody has tried a k20z1 head on a a3 yet...it might work just harder...not to be mean but i'm kinda waiting for a a2 owner to wreck so i can get my hands on some parts =)
It's not nice to wish for us k20a2 owners to wreck just so you can get our motors :(