1989 Integra Factory Shop Manual


New Member
Thanks heaps for this! My hood wouldn't close properly and I lost my temper. Kinda did some panel damage in a fit of rage. Plus there's something wrong with my throttle. Don't worry, it's all repairable panel damage. Plus I intend to learn how to service it myself. I'm currently trying to get into an Automotive Mechanics course, but right now I'm working on theoretical knowledge at best.


New Member
SWEEEEET!! Thank you graveyardhippie this may solve my problem. Mine is a 1986 integra, you wouldnt have the manual for that one would you?



Just got my fifth "Honda", which is my third Acura. Driveline is PLATINUM, interior is 8 (out of 10), exterior is 1, but lots and lots of 'little' stuff. Cruise control, sunroof glass, misc. mouldings, temp gauge, etc.
Your "manual" is a WONDERFUL discovery!:lol:


Hey Graveyardhippie- no worries at all. I was able to run a test and downloaded the FSM so I think we'll be fine. I don't mind emailing copies to others also- so either way is fine by me.

Would you like me to send you the 89 Electrical Manual to post up? I also broke out just the wiring diagrams at the end of the FSM as a separate file if anyone is interested in just those.
I would be willing to commit an unnatural act in Neiman-Marcus' front window at high noon for a copy of the teg Electrical Manual. [email protected]


New Member
Had the factory manual for my '87 RS in the car when it was stolen :(
Got the car back but the a**hole kept the manual -- you believe that?!

Hope this'll work as a close substitute, need to replace the front passenger door regulator, rear windshield wiper motor, and rear passenger quarter glass. 2 motor mounts need to be replaced as well but probably not gonna attempt that myself. Still not bad for the odometer reading 247800 :D

hafiz mshahid

New Member
I don't blame the dealers for not selling you one, but buddy your're in luck, go to this website and make yourself an account and order whatever publication that your dealer has.
a little bit pricey, but worth the money.


New Member
save as to the link as it would take forever to try to load it in ur browser window. enjoy
and now that i know, props to 8689tegs from g1teg.org. more to come for hopefully each year g1


New Member
George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006I was able to run a test and downloaded the FSM so I think we'll be fine. I don't mind emailing copies to others also- so either way is fine by me.


New Member
I've been hunting this for so long.

Now to get to work on the little beast.