03dc5Integra's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


funny guy's birthday. haha HAPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY, GUY! you amuse me. :beer: :beer: :laugh:


07 BMW 328Xi
damn he's old. haha. next year he can join "the halfway to 50 club!' whooo hoooo! :lol: have a nice one cuzzie.


New Member
JDM_Conversion said:
damn he's old. haha. next year he can join "the halfway to 50 club!' whooo hoooo! :lol: have a nice one cuzzie.
dude i am 25 hahahahahah..................i think?


07 BMW 328Xi
03dc5Integra said:
dude i am 25 hahahahahah..................i think?
lol dammit i think your myspace was still stuck on 24 that's why. haha. okay nvm your in! woooooot! :woot:


The Transporter
G3GirL said:
^ you and speedin can join the Barely Legal club
Come and get it ladies ;). Line forms to the left

Oh, and birthday boy... ive had a hard time looking for a cake that conveys your intrests. Well FOUND IT!


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speedin said:
Last time I checked you were still campin out in that line their "buddy"
you should check again, buddy, because i left as soon as i found out the spot i was standing in was a "line" for you.