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  1. cyclotegra

    Kosei K-1 racing wheels? good? bad?

    Best wheel I have owned to this day!. Best wheel for the buck as well.

  2. cyclotegra

    LSintegraDB7 Updates!

    K1's are by far the best wheel I have owned thus far. Teg is looking great!!
  3. cyclotegra

    Volk TE37

    I will take either. Paypal ready. If they are real, yes that is a very good price!!
  4. cyclotegra

    1997 LS, tell me whats up.

    I have a rear set of those moldings if you do decide to put them back on. You can have them for free ok.
  5. cyclotegra

    November '10 ROTM Winner: LSiNtegraDB7

    Holy moly. Super clean, wheels look great on there.
  6. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Here are the pics of the Teg from Import Alliance. Here it is parked next to a subie, the paint on the subie was kinda similar to mine, only professionally done. You be the judge on it.
  7. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Thanks man. Its definitely not the best, but it isn't bad either.
  8. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Thanks very much.
  9. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Thanks all. I want to keep them black, I don't want everything blue. That would be just to much, so want to keep some color aside from the blue.
  10. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Well haven't posted in a little bit here. Finally got done with the color and such for right now. It is not 100% perfect by any means, it needs minor touch ups, and a little bit of cleaning. Next is more suspension, intake, maybe do something with my exhaust as well.

  11. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Finally got around to do some work on the Integra. Here are some pics, night time pics, so they aren't the greatest. I will take some daytime pics soon. I am not quite done yet. I am going to do a few more coats, and some wetsanding as well. But here it is as of right now.
  12. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Yea I know. Plan on using 10 cans at least. Gonna do it panel by panel, where ever there is a break off point.
  13. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Color I am going with.
  14. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Here are some pics of the exhaust. I got a full exhaust for the teg, DC header, Carsound hi-flow cat, WS2 catback. More pics to come, finished the body work on the bumpers, going to start prepping it for the temp paint.
  15. cyclotegra

    Here is what I have going on right now...

    Little bit of an update, I finished the body work on the body(all metal body). Now gonna do the bumpers this weekend. I have decided to go with a temp paint job until I can afford a real paint job, but it will still look good. Also picked up a full exhaust for the Integra. DC 4-2-1...
  16. cyclotegra

    O2 sensors help. Simple question!

    Problem solved, got the 02 Sensor working,and the CEL is off now. Thanks.
  17. cyclotegra

    O2 sensors help. Simple question!

    Also one more thing I should mention. My integra is a LS, the exhaust is made for a gsr. So the header is shorter, making the cat longer. So both of the 02 sensors go into the cat instead of one into the header and one in the cat like on the LS exhaust. Will this make the CEL come on in this...
  18. cyclotegra

    O2 sensors help. Simple question!

    Well I got it all bolted up and its all ok. But the check engine light is on. I guess I will mess with the 02 sensor some more till its ok, or just take it somewhere with a lift. Easier than crawling under the car, haha.
  19. cyclotegra

    O2 sensors help. Simple question!

    Yea, they just pulled out of the housing, to where I can still plug them in to the housing. It seems all good though.
  20. cyclotegra

    O2 sensors help. Simple question!

    That is what I am thinking. Like I said, I did turn the key and no light came on. If it does come on after its installed, I will just mess around with it more. Thanks guys for the help.