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  1. r0g3r16

    2000 Gs-r

    :welcome: looks real nice

  2. r0g3r16

    Vizage Bodykit...just look

    yeah the front looks alright
  3. r0g3r16

    FAC3L3SS's '96 EJ6

    haha i started ready the tread and was like oh its just a neon, then hmmm well its kinda a nice neon, and then it was BAM nice ass civic:thumbs up
  4. r0g3r16

    My 99 Teggy Build

    thanks alot
  5. r0g3r16

    your integra picture game

    alright so if no one has won this challage by friday ima take the hour drive to do this!!! haha ima win this one... i hope current challenge "take a pic inside a tunnel"
  6. r0g3r16

    My 99 Teggy Build

    for everything for the turbo i ended up spending about 1200 or 1300... kinda forgot exactly how much and for a downpipe i found some for around 100 and idk about the resistor box.the tune is about 300. but i wanna save up atleast some 2k before i finish it since turbo usually has problems so i...
  7. r0g3r16

    My 99 Teggy Build

    alright so figured i should update my thread. i kinda ended up messing up my motor and needed a new oil pump and headgasket so i figured i should just go back to the original plan for the ls vtec, i thought i might as well since i had been wanting to do it for a while and had a few of the...
  8. r0g3r16

    your integra picture game

    haha dam beat me to it but does look like a win
  9. r0g3r16

    lsvtec done right?

    i was going to but i needed a new head gasket and a new oil pump so i figured might as well do the lsvtec since the motor was coming apart should have probably just turbod it tho
  10. r0g3r16

    lsvtec done right?

    anybody know what a stock lsvtec should be around?

  11. r0g3r16

    lsvtec done right?

    sorry about the bad cell pic ill try to get a better one soon and thanks
  12. r0g3r16

    lsvtec done right?

    so i got a b16 head on my ls 99 teg, i decided to take it to a shop so itll be done right but im not sure. since i have the dyno sheet (ima try to get a pic of it posted as soon as i can) people say that its not putting out enough power and that they probably did it wrong. i thought it was...
  13. r0g3r16

    b20V clank!

    yea because i no some people that use the stock cams and they run alright
  14. r0g3r16

    b20V clank!

    haha o shit koo koo i will always down for meets and yea with a b16 head and non b20/ls
  15. r0g3r16

    b20V clank!

    i dont think itll be because the dizzy tho. i actually had a big problem with that today. maybe you timing belt is off by a tooth or something. everyone i would ask always told me to get adjustable cam gears because the timing is always a bit off from the regular timing
  16. r0g3r16

    b20V clank!

    could it be your timing is off a bit?
  17. r0g3r16

    b20V clank!

    i have some some b16 cams on my lsvtec and there not loud
  18. r0g3r16

    help car won't start

    anybody know what it could be?
  19. r0g3r16

    help car won't start

    yea it does cranck,and its a new timing belt so thats good no teeth missing on that