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  1. r0g3r16

    that meet still goin on?

    that meet still goin on?

  2. r0g3r16

    B20B in 90 GS DB1

    looks like itll be a bit of work. how are you going to get all the rust off?
  3. r0g3r16

    The semen gun !!

    haha o shit what were they thinking when they made those
  4. r0g3r16


    well its actually an lsvtec motor so idk if that could be why also. ill try that when i get home today. some shop told me it could be my piston rings, could it be that also?
  5. r0g3r16


    lol i need a few things. to start off the probably most important thing is that oil is leaking from that pcv valve, any idea why?
  6. r0g3r16

    what did you do to your car today?

    let us no how that works. i bought some for my reverse lights and were really dim, maybe i just bought a bad brand tho.
  7. r0g3r16


    o ok still better than what i be making tho, plus getting paid to work on cars sounds fun.. haha then again i have a hard time just fixing my own car
  8. r0g3r16


    sounds real good i had no idea u would start off at that much.. haha now i wanna get certified also
  9. r0g3r16


    haha o dang thats tight congrats on that that
  10. r0g3r16

    Show Off Your White Tegs

    :drool: this car looks amazing!!

  11. r0g3r16

    Front door speaker sizes ?

    i bought some pionners that fit perfectly in the front
  12. r0g3r16

    My Teg

    car looks great!!
  13. r0g3r16

    yet again another integra. her name is constantine>:)

    either way its still a real clean teg, and i like those rims
  14. r0g3r16

    yet again another integra. her name is constantine>:)

    being a pic whore is good lol:thumbs up and i like it with the white hood, but that's just my opinion
  15. r0g3r16

    brake light staying on

    checked that out and didnt find anything in the way of that sensor
  16. r0g3r16

    Omni Coilover Kit?

    how much they usually go for?? are they real good coilovers? better than the function form type 1s?
  17. r0g3r16

    Official SoCal Member List

    Name: Roger Location: Fontana, CA Car: 1999 Integra LS anyone here down to have a meet around the area?
  18. r0g3r16

    brake light staying on

    sorry about not being very specific, meant the brake llight in the cluster tho
  19. r0g3r16

    brake light staying on

    would that make the brake light turn on? i checked but didnt find anythin broken
  20. r0g3r16

    Integra Rims

    i agree on the volk te-37s :thumbs up