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    I've had my b20 for about 2 weeks and just against a v6 BMW and he was a little stunned with me...

    I've had my b20 for about 2 weeks and just against a v6 BMW and he was a little stunned with me keeping up and his I guess was done up to my car is all stock except for motor and air intake no exaust yet what else what more can I do to it

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    Hey I was wondering what I need to do to make my car legit for smog can u get back at me u can...

    Hey I was wondering what I need to do to make my car legit for smog can u get back at me u can also email me [email protected] I also have couple other questions for u
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    Hey nik can i get this motor legit by taking it to referee bar or whoever does it any ideas u...

    Hey nik can i get this motor legit by taking it to referee bar or whoever does it any ideas u have would be helpful everything on motor is gonna be stock except for the block andhead and that intake no exaust or header any idea's if so u can tell me here or if u want email me at [email protected]
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    So what little thing can i do to get hp I have a cold air intake aem.I can't get to crazy right...

    So what little thing can i do to get hp I have a cold air intake aem.I can't get to crazy right now but I would be interested on any extra gain how much will that cold air intake give me
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    new b20 for my 1990 gs

    Map what do u mean. Map
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    new b20 for my 1990 gs

    So is this gonna make a difference that I will notice
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    new b20 for my 1990 gs

    Vtec head swap is that what u mean
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    new b20 for my 1990 gs

    It came out of a 2001 crv all wheel drive it should be the high compression one right
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    new b20 for my 1990 gs

    Also what about smog for car now
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    new b20 for my 1990 gs

    Just bought b20 for 90 teg gs. Should be ready wed just the block and head are going in for now i no it has more Hp but will it be noticeably different than my b18 a block and head and if so how much different also what are some things that I can do to increase Hp minor things for now that is

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    Hey nick I havnt Benn on for a while but been at work busy I had the 90 integra that was having...

    Hey nick I havnt Benn on for a while but been at work busy I had the 90 integra that was having problems with fuel spraying out of my injectors well I sent it to a mechanic and he was having problems as well for a while but it comes out that my injector resistor box was bad so I got it to stop...
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    computer codes

    I don't no how much the cylinder is flooded with fuel he just told me fuel was spraying out of my cylinders and when I my self was trying to figure this out it was flooded out so bad that it was coming out my air intake that's when I said in done trying but i still want the feedback and I will...
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    computer codes

    That's what they were doing when I talked to them last running a resistance test back to some computer in the engine compartment that then runs to the ecu the first mechanic told me my computer was bad but it wasnt. My injectors come on normal when u turn key over but when u crank it over they...
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    computer codes

    I haven't asked that but I will all I know is its weird every body is stumped and its a20 plus old car I think it might be electrical i bought this car six months ago from a kid so I really don't no what's been done to it i just no that this new guy is intrigued and wants to no what is wrong...
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    Its me Jason I put new post out about car get back at me

    Its me Jason I put new post out about car get back at me
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    computer codes

    Ok guys long week I couldn't really mess with it much more so I sent it to another mechanic now get this they are stumped also I was getting bad compressing because fuel was shooting into my motor still no answer why but the new mechanic is saying my compression is good the reason my motor was...
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    computer codes

    Ill work on the timing and let u guys no what's up I was told if it jumped timing it would ruin the motor instantly I go back to work tomorrow. So I might have slow down on figuring this out so don't think in not listening to u guys lol if u guys have more ideas let me know
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    computer codes

    The engine want warm becuzz I can't get to run to get warm I did it with a compression gouge I cranked it over a couple seconds or so
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    computer codes

    So I did spark test and did compression test my compression test came out as followed 120 to 124 2nd one came out 90 to 115 3rd came o22nlike 30 down to zero so. Added couple drops of oil still read zero bad valve right so I went to 4th and it was reading 30 50 60 so I added oil to that stayed...
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    computer codes

    So I put a computer that matches all numbers of my original one so I got the right one. I was driving home from work and I could feEl it want driving right then it just started bogging out bad when I gave itgas it would just bog out when I pulled over at first it would idle alright and when I...