True :lol: TPBM is rocking slowplow status this winter
covert_Con Senior Ricer Dec 6, 2011 #1,352 False, I'm slowplow no matter what the weather TPBM is sipping some hot cocoa right now.
klutchDb7 ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Dec 6, 2011 #1,353 Fail^ I'll answer yours anyway however lol No, I wish I waqs, but I'm stuck in school TPBM has snow on the ground outside
Fail^ I'll answer yours anyway however lol No, I wish I waqs, but I'm stuck in school TPBM has snow on the ground outside
covert_Con Senior Ricer Dec 6, 2011 #1,354 klutchDb7 said: Fail^ I'll answer yours anyway however lol No, I wish I waqs, but I'm stuck in school TPBM has snow on the ground outside Click to expand... Lolo we must have hit reply at the same time but i answered yours. False, no snow but its cold. TPBM wishes they had my schedule, classes on monday and wednesday
klutchDb7 said: Fail^ I'll answer yours anyway however lol No, I wish I waqs, but I'm stuck in school TPBM has snow on the ground outside Click to expand... Lolo we must have hit reply at the same time but i answered yours. False, no snow but its cold. TPBM wishes they had my schedule, classes on monday and wednesday
iDrive a GS-R New Member Dec 6, 2011 #1,355 False i do have your schedule lol Tpbm is waiting for the first big snowfall so they can go snowboarding Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
False i do have your schedule lol Tpbm is waiting for the first big snowfall so they can go snowboarding Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
covert_Con Senior Ricer Dec 6, 2011 #1,356 False, if it snows I'm staying inside. TPBM wishes they could see my concert tonight
OGstackadoIIa TEAM LlGHTSPEED RACING Dec 6, 2011 #1,358 False, fuck school TPBM wishes they would have skipped college and went straight to ballin'
OGstackadoIIa TEAM LlGHTSPEED RACING Dec 6, 2011 #1,360 True, obviously TPBM knows he used the word 'wanker' because I just called him one in my build thread, lmao
True, obviously TPBM knows he used the word 'wanker' because I just called him one in my build thread, lmao
covert_Con Senior Ricer Dec 6, 2011 #1,361 True bwahaha, was wondering if you were gonna catch that TPBM wishes life was simple, lol
Hondaintegra99 Tire and Wheel Specialist Dec 6, 2011 #1,362 true, It is if you kill your self at 18 ^^ TPBM wishs they made more money for COILOVERS
Girlsdoitbetter oh hai Dec 6, 2011 #1,363 false! they just came in the mail yesterday! i wish i made more money for new wheels! lol. TPBM is watching tv right now.
false! they just came in the mail yesterday! i wish i made more money for new wheels! lol. TPBM is watching tv right now.
hgocasca level 77 troll Dec 6, 2011 #1,364 Ya.....journeys tv..... Tpbm needs to tune their shit badly
klutchDb7 ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Dec 6, 2011 #1,365 Yessiree, you of all people know xD Tpbm goes bwaaahhhhhhhhh when they hit vtak