Potentially Dangerous Sites?


I don't really feel this is that big of a concern, but randomly when I get on CI my virus scanner blocks something. It blocks content from potentially dangerous websites.. and it NEVER actually pops up with anything. This is the second time it has done it, out of like 10,000 visits to CI, so I have no idea what it could be, but without opening any specific forum sections my only thought is that one of the ads that would load around the various area's comes from a bad place..

This might seem a little confusing, i'm not really sure how to word it.
One of the ads, could potentially be possibly bad. Maybe. :thumbs up
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New Member
Same thing happened to me. But my internet at school has alot of virus' so that could be it


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
i believe its the java or script in the ADs which leads the security to believe its malware / spyware? i cant go on NWP on my work laptop because of this.


The Transporter
i believe its the java or script in the ADs which leads the security to believe its malware / spyware? i cant go on NWP on my work laptop because of this.
There is a certain ad running right now that is getting blocked. Mine does it as well. The ads run in rotation so it wont always happen, but its nothing to worry about.


Extreme Music Addict
In my opinion, all ads are evil. End of story. but whatever gets the site more money and keeps it up I'm fine with.


Just call me chris.
I just got on youtube and all of a sudden some antivirus pop up has taken over my computer and Is acting like a virus. Almost wouldn't let me run my antivirus software. Have me a fake blue screen of death.

Sent from my EVO with tapatalk.


Extreme Music Addict
It's malware. you have to reboot and run in safe mode so you can open your anti-virus program there to delete the malware and infected files.


The Transporter
I just got on youtube and all of a sudden some antivirus pop up has taken over my computer and Is acting like a virus. Almost wouldn't let me run my antivirus software. Have me a fake blue screen of death.

Sent from my EVO with tapatalk.
It's malware. you have to reboot and run in safe mode so you can open your anti-virus program there to delete the malware and infected files.
Yup, ive got that fucker twice. it sucks.


My laptop is more secure then Fort Knox lol.

....interesting.. the ad right above this chat box is blocked..

Blocked Link said:
Looks like a bunch of links to me. But like I said, my virus scanner is blocking it so i'm not all that worried lol.


It's probably adware installed on your computer by another virus and it's trying to generate targeted advertisements based on web pages most visited and the gay porn ads are tripping your anti virus.
I mean, that's just like, my opinion, man


Is that what happened to you? My virus scanner stops me from getting viruses while I surf porn. :lol:


Can a virus even attack through 56k? Seems like he would just get tired half way to your computer and decide to turn around for McDoanlds


Extreme Music Addict
Viruses have genders now? Cool, and here I thought they asexually reproduce and cause infection and disease. But you bring up a good point about McDonald's having viruses