^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


Potentially. I thought you said partially. I was like "How the fuck do you PARTIALLY conceive a child?"

Yes Mitch, I believe Taco Cello came up at one point, lol.


New Member
Same here. Lol.

Also- i'm much too large to comfortably "get it on" in an Integra. I'm a normal size white person. 6'1
Besides, an Integra? That's classy. That's like telling your kids they were conceived in the bathroom of McDonalds, it's just weird.
lol it was a confession thread, just chill.... if i were a dude would it have made a difference?


Shit's getting interesting in this bitch!
yea sum dude said he'll sell me some headers for 40 bucks last night.... idk man, idk... kinda goes against my better instincts... but i guess i can scope em out after work. ill either be really winning, or screwed outta 40 bucks
Can you fit two headers on your car? i can only fit one =(
ah yeah, good memories of my freshman year
Fucks yeah, my nig