rnhib25's NHBP dc4 progress


Active Member
im used to people wantin it. my car needs a new outside completely. no rust but dents f***ing everywhere. stupid siblings.
Yeah my car isn't the prettiest either. Tons of tiny dings, but what really gets on my nerves is there's 2 good sized dents in my driver fender.


No comment on my post? :( thought you'd be interested.... hahaha


that sucks dude. I got a pretty cherry fender if you need one pm me. Hope you get it fixed soon the car looked great


ricer all day
that sucks dude. I got a pretty cherry fender if you need one pm me. Hope you get it fixed soon the car looked great
alright bro yeah do need a new fender. First and formost i was to see what the insurance company would do.
like price wise. and ill do what i can from there.


ricer all day
wow 3-6 business days until they have someone to take a look at my car. -_______________________-