^.^Anything Goes Chat for Noobies!^.^


Every time I go to pump gas in my car, I miss having an Integra. lol $62 to fill it up this morning on the way to work. That's a pair of shoes maybe.


New Member
I know this is of topic but.. Anyone else using tapatalk? Or another forum app? Haha this is another great distraction while being I class lol.


The Transporter
Sleeeeeeeeeeeeepy giiiiiiiiiirl.

You want to be sleepy write a lab report, lol. Here is a little snipit of the 10 pager im working on...

The reason the initial points were used is due to the fact the material had not yet yielded, once the material yielded the slope of the line would no longer give an accurate approximation of the materials Young’s Modulus. As can be seen below in Table 2 the average Young’s Modulus was 9,508,701.50 psi. The actual Young’s Modulus for aluminum is 10,600,000 psi, so given material inconsistencies and an unknown grade of aluminum the experimental results coincide with the real value.
The elastic strain and yield stress was calculated through the “0.2% rule.” As seen in Figure 9, for every sample a line with the same slope as the specimen’s Young’s Modulus was placed on the 0.02 mark on the strain axis. The point where the new line crossed the material’s stress versus strain line was used to find both elastic strain, the x value, and yield stress, the y value.
In short I was putting a piece of aluminum in a big ass machine that would rip it apart. lol


New Member
Hi guys, i'd like to introduce myself. I'm Keno and I reside in socal. nice to meet you guys.

how you guys doing?


New Member
hows everyone's day coming along?
Not bad, got its ups and downs. Was playing under the trunk deciding about a wingless look for my silver teg. College was boring, made a bad 1st impression on one teacher, i think he hates me now o_O haha. Just cooking up some dinner. how about the rest of CI?


New Member
hopefully he's not one to hold grudges...that would suck

ive been trying to work more so i can put money aside to get skunk2 lowering springs/shocks