Shift Knob Threading


New Member
Does anyone know what size a shift knob thread is? Or are they different sizes?
Because i was about to make my own knob in Metals class..


Active Member
if you have a tap and die set it could come with little gauges to use to see what the thread pitch on the shifter is. all youd need to do is find out how big the end of the shifter is drill a slightly smaller hole and figure out what type of thread you have and bam boom! game over. if ya get it made id like to see a pic of it!

heres what they look like,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=13&gs_id=1c&xhr=t&q=thread+gauges&qe=dGhyZWFkIGdhdWdlcw&qesig=L5U3erxVWKTV25DDB2F_VQ&pkc=AFgZ2tmUh9nVB4gntazeCcOObgv0jr7LVIn-xe4Pnn8Yf4xdFP_DLHKIvruJX03RCoFS14OqV2PXmsPgAg75ipN3ck0UPaDK3A&safe=off&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=737&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=9096509406962221166&sa=X&ei=f3JsTvqbE6-DsAK084HKBA&sqi=2&ved=0CGcQ8gIwAw
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New Member
If i just measure one shift knob, it should fit all right?
& Of course! I might even sell some if the prototype turns to success! haha


New Member
Be sure to post pictures of what you come up with!
Ohh yes! I most definitely will! I was thinking Full Aluminum, & polished to shine it out, but i dont know how i'm going to do the laser engravings..

& Thanks JGvtec! Appreciate it!


New Member
No Problem.

I call dibs on the second you make ;) If its good maybe you will get some monies :lol:
