I had all four taken out. My gums were bleeding for two weeks and my cheeks were swollen for that long too. I was completely non functional for that long because my cheeks were so swollen it applied pressure to my whole face and affected my vision. I had to have gauze in the holes because I would be spitting blood constantly. I had a little more surgical problem though. They even used stitches and were so far down he had to cut about almost half inch to get to them. My wisdom teeth were completely vertical not horizontal and were pushing my teeth together.
To top it off, my body rejected the medication and thats why the bleeding wouldnt stop and the pain killers did nothing. Idk how that guy says the pain killers are for pussies. I guess it all depends on the surgery because they can be different. I have very high tolerance against numbing and pain. I had my mouth injected tons of times and I could still feel it.
I had some scissors go through my hand and muscle tissue at the beggining of the year. I got injected with twice the numbing application. I held the meat together while the doctor stitched it up and I felt the needle going into and out of my muscle and skin. Thats how much tolerance I have and my wisdom teeth surgery was the worst.
I like pain though. Its fun lol