My integra build


New Member

Fantastic work hgocasca, Hope you dont mind me downloading every single picture! nothing like a bit of inspiration!

Good work, hope she drives like a dream.


level 77 troll
Download away my friends. I put these up for your enjoyment. I like seeing build threads with tons of pics, so thats what I'm doing. I'll have a pic up soon of the motor in. It'll be running tonight hopefully, just had to buy an eacv and a ficv from the dealership ($300). Those are the only things holding me back. Parts will arrive in 95 minutes and counting....


level 77 troll
Also have a DC 4-2-1 one piece header, from what I'm told they're no longer made this way. I'm not sure on the credibility of this source, but, either way, I've got 'em. Short ram intake, and an awesome stereo going in.
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