DB8 Whore
Yea, I'll see and let you know! I'd rather have the OEM one's as well, but if I come across replica's, I'll see! I just took a lot of measurements and time to cut the bumper. All I used was a dremel and a a jigsaw then sanded it down a bit with a snading block. Just let me know when your ready and I'll see what I can do! You have the 98-01 rear bumper right? All you need now is the rear foglight! Yea, that is a pretty good deal on the plate extender. Cheapest I seen around here was $250 shipped, but I believe that was brand new, not sure though.Well hey If u see any of the replicas let me know. I'll buy the oem ones later but they're like 300 so replicas good for me after buying all that stuff I found a rear plate extender for 150 shipped..... Know of anywhere cheaper or is that the beat deal? U need to give me the how to on cutting the actual bumper as well as the bumper cover lol I'm so lost and scared to