oh hai
thank you vurryy much!
:nod:man, i'm glad mine came with them when i bought it. hah. what do you think about getting an itr bumper lip, the car scrapes enough as is, but i've been thinking about getting one for the longest time now.
& i'm thinking about getting new side skirts & doing something like this. cause personally, i think this looks sick. haha.
i really need to do that. :/ i've been super lazy. when are you gonna recondition those headlights
lol i might be anal about it but it sticks out like a sore thumb to mei really need to do that. :/ i've been super lazy. lol.
I scrape everywhere I go. People get pissed because I go slow pulling into parking lots.i already scrape A LOT as it is. lol. after i get the lip, i think it'll be finee.
i restored my headlights not to long ago, i used rainx headlight restoration kit. about $20 but well worth it. cleans them up,like to brand new condition, and protects them over time.yea, it sure will make the car look SOO much better. will the lights fog up again after i clean them? or is there some way i can seal them to make sure that doesn't happen again?