Things that annoy you thread.


when people ask me y the chicken crossed the road.
no matter what i say I'm F***ing wrong and the answer is always differennt WTF!

...burns annoy me. Especially the day after when it's super sensitive. I always swear to be more careful the next time.


I don't burn easily. I just get tanned. I haaaaate when your left arm gets darker than your right from driving in the summer, though. It's always uneven and looks ridiculous.


New Member
when I see another Honda that looks fast but you end up finding out hes rocking a stock LS, SOHC, GSR, B16 or rarely a RSX Type-S and what annoys me even more is that since the gas prices are so freaking high, i stopped driving, so I can't embarrass them. with my turbo GSR in front of their girlfriend :[ in short I hate HARD PARKERS!!!!!!!

Ive seen at least 4 scenarios of this in the past week -.-'
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New Member
almost getting fired....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
worst feeling ever


Farmers tans. Damn near impossible to get rid of.

edit: In my case anyway.
Yeah farmers tans suck ass! I work outside and due to company policy I must have 6" sleeves and a work vest on at all times. So my tan is usually pretty HAWT! Lol


New Member
People that try to steal your shit because they can't work hard enough to buy their own. Fuckers.

People that leave the dealership's advertising license plate frames on their car

When woman sit for 5 minutes waiting for a parking spot when they could of just parked further away and gotten the exercise.

People that don't use turn signals.

Shitty woman drivers.

Woman driver's in general.

actually.. all woman in general annoy the fuck out of me.


not a girl lol
x2. I always get a sunburn from driving all day
I've never been sunburned and I go outside and chill just about everyday. I don't use none of that suntan lotion sh*t either. lol

I don't burn easily. I just get tanned. I haaaaate when your left arm gets darker than your right from driving in the summer, though. It's always uneven and looks ridiculous.
Whenever I tan It's even except for my feet :lol: Flip flop tan yo!


New Member
dont know if anyones said this yet but..rust..

normal day: wake up, walk outside to my car, ponder and stare at it in love(so clean and shines perfect)...then as my eyes make their way to the back of the car..hiteous rusty quarters

total boner kill...:(

i hate Erie PA and its nasty car eating winters

Ominous G2

A lot is two words.

The word mine, doesn't always have an S on the end.

Rust does suck though, my teg has a little bit.