head gasket/ engine question


New Member
wondering if my engine will be worth fixing.

changed my oil and the oil was murky but it never showed on the dip stick before that. several weeks later the engine light came on and the best way to describe it is the car just felt wrong. pulled over and the dip stick came out green.

Is there any point in changing the head gasket and trying to salvage the engine?

the car is a 1990 integra with the 1.8 litre honda engine. 5 speed with 340000 KM's.


If your gonna try to salvage it you should have it checked at a machine shop.


New Member
If no metal shavings came out when you drained it you should be ok but you will need to have your head milled and pressure checked to make sure that it is not cracked. If you don't you will be waisting money. Also when u do it make sure to che k your pistons for play if so you will need a new motor or bore it and replace the pistons and rings but then your talking money.


Internet Hate Machine
At 340,000KM I think the engine has served its purpose in life and it's time to let it die and swap in something younger.


What is that, like 211k? Hell throw another head gasket on. Just make sure the head isn't cracked by getting it pressure checked. If you don't remove the block to get it checked for cracks, I would at least put a straight edge on it to make sure it's not seriously warped.

Good luck one way or the other.
