my da caught on fire!


New Member
hey folks, so i had a battery relocate in my da, so the batt was in trunk, well its been like this for a long time, not probs sept loss of volts, which i expected, 2 volts for every foot of wire, but suddenly my ground wire made a pop sound and the wire casing on the outside was melted and looked to have blown up and the wire was bright reddish orange and at least 350 deg hott, and it lit my carpet and tons of other things on fire, anyhelp on what cause may have been, only thing determined is that it was ground wire, happened when attempting to start. will post pics when i get my car back today.


New Member
Your positive and negative wire somehow came into contact or the postive and the frame of your car.

This happened to me with a metal screwdriver in my old DA except it was on the AMP. Somehow the screwdriver came into contact with the Positive and Ground. I caught it on time though.
major draw or yea a pinched wire, a unfused circit is dngerous
This is why you're supposed to go with an inline fuse or circuit breaker when you relocate the battery to the trunk.



Keep It Clean
why didnt you use an inline fuse? you can make your own for like $7 at an auto parts store...whenever youre hooking something up to the battey, gotta do it safe


Registered Abuser
DA roof, DA roof, DA roof is on fire, we dont need no water let DA motherfcker burrrrrn.

hope you get its a joke ;) glad your ok at least, sounds salvagable.


Hazardous Grounds
Hopefully that kid sees this and gets his battery out from behind his seat
i did see this. im not a kid btw. and as of this past weekend it has been moved to the spare tire spot in a box and it has a circuit breaker on it as well. sry yours caught on fire bro hope everything works out in the end for ya.


New Member
ya, well i didnt do the relocate job myself i bought it like that, which alkready upset me because he did it so he could put a worthless intake to another car on it, so ive been looking to put it back up front, and get the proper intake for the car, yes i just got da back this mornin from the shop, i had them test the rest of my electrical units make sure nothing else was damaged internally, everything else looks ok, they said luckly it didnt travel through the wire far, i determined after looking under my seat and carpet, that the positive and neg touched and actually sattered together, and luckely i removed my battery terminal clamps before batt exploded to, i will post pics this after noon to show you what wire was tourched, and the damage the fire did, i am able to drive it now, i have it done PROPERLY and have fuses and wire casings, and now the positive is on one side and neg on other so they cannot contact again. and i like the joke lol, we sang the roof is on fire when my gpas roof was on fire lol, except he took it worst then i am now lol, haha but ya pics as soon as i can guys! thnx!