New to the site


New Member
Hey every one new to the site and integra's as well. As the screen name would indicate I'm an Evo guy but had to sell it off not too long ago as part of going back to school and will be getting a teg as a replacement. While I had the Evo I was very active in a local club and I'm looking to do the same with the teg group. I'm in CO so looking forward to some local meets and what not


New Member
Hey welcome to the site.i am too new and having a great stay share if you have any problem.


Registered Abuser
theres a group of guys on here that are from CO. klutchdb7 and friends (im sure the rest of them will love that haha)


New Member
From evo to teg.... its like going from running to walking lol

Anyways, welcome to the site. It's a pretty active forum. Oh, and stay away from team integra.. we pride ourselves as being the friendlier alternative... for the most part.


New Member
From evo to teg.... its like going from running to walking lol

Anyways, welcome to the site. It's a pretty active forum. Oh, and stay away from team integra.. we pride ourselves as being the friendlier alternative... for the most part.
welcome, kinda a downgrade but.......
LOL yeah I will miss the power the evo had and the awd but for the time being cant afford to be in the evo game but plan on being back in it once I get done with school. So I thought I would get a teg cause its in the budget range I have for now and have always liked the way they look. Im not going to be looking for power from it more just a good looking well handleing car that can be a fun dd for now (and when the evo comes back lol). Thanks for all the welcomes


RS owner
welcome doods!
as said before, theres quite a bit of members from CO.
have you bought one already? if not, which year are you looking to buying?


New Member
Nope have not gotten one yet but will be wanting a 3rd gen GSR preferably also first choice will be white


Keep It Clean
welcome to club integra. you'll like the integra, they take corners really well, its a small car, yet you can still carry alot of stuff on the go. ......and they make civic owners jealous