New Member
OK I got lucky the wires I got are compatible w/ both my '91 integra and the '99 CRV it depends on the brand you get tho some are not compatible for both cars. But I would still like to know what OBD I have... I'm guessing I have OBD0 since the plugs to my dizzy are round right? Or dose that just mean that the dizzy is OBD0 and the ECU can still be OBD1 or 2? Is that even possible?
If I had a jumper harness attached in between the ecu and the car wiring harness would that mean it was changed to OBD1 or 2? Thanks for all the help wouldn't know what I would do without this forum...8)
If I had a jumper harness attached in between the ecu and the car wiring harness would that mean it was changed to OBD1 or 2? Thanks for all the help wouldn't know what I would do without this forum...8)