My Battery Relocation


Hazardous Grounds
So you leave your windows open all of the time, BRO?

Im pretty sure normal people roll up their windows when they get out of their car, and keep their windows up when its raining, and turn the AC on when its hot.

Think about it next time you try to retort with "Ive got things that open that let air out!"
yup they stay open always cause it stays in a garage and when it rains i dont drive. and no A/C.


Keep It Clean
agreed. should have used zip ties to mount it in the original spot. I'm telling you..duct tape, zip ties and dw40 is a mans best friend.


New Member
I think we have all said enough. If he wants to keep a hazard in the car, just let him. I just find it weird that they take it so personal just after everyone tries to help them out and give them advice for their own good. But w/e


Hazardous Grounds
... And improperly putting the battery behind the passenger seat isn't ghetto?
ill almost bet that if it was in a box and tied down right where it sets yall wouldnt say shit. but its whatever. im getting a long wire this week and it will set in the spare tire spot within a box. so no more worries.


ill almost bet that if it was in a box and tied down right where it sets yall wouldnt say s***. but its whatever. im getting a long wire this week and it will set in the spare tire spot within a box. so no more worries.
I would, it's sketchy; you literally have acid in your car :nono:

So much can go wrong, dude


New Member
ill almost bet that if it was in a box and tied down right where it sets yall wouldnt say s***. but its whatever. im getting a long wire this week and it will set in the spare tire spot within a box. so no more worries.
No I probably wouldn't have anything to say negatively if it was done properly (or atleast the battery). And good...

My battery is properly installed in the backseat.


Hazardous Grounds
oh and im looking at a dry cell battery to so no worries on acid either. so worry about my safety no more dude. and i see yalls point. it really aint safe but when i did it i already ran the wire through the firewall and was like damn its not gonna reach so i just left it behind the seat til i do it the correct way. so on another note which dry cell battery would be the best?