Hawkman13s Turbo Teggy Build Thread


New Member
So I havent really drove the Integra lately, I drove close to a 1000 miles this weekend picking my brother up from the airport and such so I traded the teggy for the girlfriends brothers Lancer for the sake of AC, PS, and good gas mileage. Big mistake. Got the car back, bolts were missing in the front of the seat and the engine was smoking BAD. Havent had time to look at it for the fact that I had court today (reckless driving), and I have finals all week. But Im pretty sure it has something to do with the tranny. Its leaking fluid onto the exhaust which is causing the smoking (not sure if its gear oil or motor oil), I also noticed my gears are grinding very bad. Hopefully its just the tranny, and hopefully I caught it before any serious damage was done. Also since Im currently suffering from insomnia Im attempting to make a signature :p


New Member
Sorry for the lack of updates, shit has been crazy the past week or so. Kinda gave up on the car, I got a job that's 70 miles round trip so the turbo just isn't working for me. So the car is up for trade have had a few offers for a SOHC EK hatch, 2003 CBR954RR, LS/VTEC EK hatch, and my number one option right now is a bone stock unmolested GSR Integra. All stock besides red S2k leather front seats, Tein springs, and Jensen double din touch screen. But thats the plan as of right now, wouldn't be surprise if it changes anyday lol.