I'm an idiot eh? why? because i dont think little green creatures from the planet dingdongwong know how to travel millions of times faster then the speed of light? and they "come in peace" and they think man is puny and stupid, and could snuff out our planet with a push of a button? oh and OBVIOUSLY since EVERYONE knows about "aliens" the government didnt really keep the lid on them TOO tight huh? since its a whole secret that nobody knows about and theres never been thousands of movies based on them right? :roll:
i think maybe u just dont want anyone to challenge what u wanna think because there is no basis around it, so u will look like a freaken dumbass when ur proven wrong.
Buzzzzzzz wrong
Everything you just said sounds like something out of a cartoon. They don't have to be green or blow anything up. They could very well look just like us or similar. Also I didn't call you a idiot but if you think you are one then hey I wont try to convince you your not one. Im just saying how crazy are you to believe life is only on this chunk of rock we call earth.
The gov could easily be lying to us, why not they lie to us about everything else. Yes everyone knows about aliens but that doesn't mean anything. No one is 100% sure if they exist, mainly because the gov doesn't indulge into the idea that aliens are real. Instead aliens are played off as a joke and lets say someone had real evidence that aliens did exist and that the gov had been lying to us this whole time, its a good chance he would be killed or either made to look crazy. What I don't understand is how people say aliens are fake and this and that yet they closely follow religions. I mean you really believe there's a place in the sky that holds every so called good person over the chance of there being life outside this galaxy.
I love for people to challenge me by the way, its called having an opinion. Just don't try 2 come at me acting like some pussyhurt little girl who needs attention.