catatylic converter questions


beep beep
Just as the title says i want to buy a new one but don't know if i could just get one from ebay or a universal one,does it matter ??.Don't have a lot of cash to spend


borderline racing
depends on what state u live in i no in mass if u have a 95 or older u can run a stright pipe and dont need a cat but 96 and newer u have to pass emissons and i no 98s have a 02 sensor on it so u prob wanna get a cat that has the o2 sendor port on it


My friend has a Prelude here in California and he uses a hi-flow cat, which I thought wouldn't pass, but he got by with it. We have the worst smog regulations


beep beep
i live in California and i bypass the o2 sensor


beep beep
My friend has a Prelude here in California and he uses a hi-flow cat, which I thought wouldn't pass, but he got by with it. We have the worst smog regulations
Do you know how much he pay,I already did my smog so I'm good on that part lol


beep beep
cause i think its clog up and its 21 years old lol


beep beep
Makes sense, but you passed CA smog... Usually you don't replace until you need to rgardless of age.
why are you bypassing the o2
yea but not straight since not the stock motor.
i took to a shop and they said they bypass it