New Member
well it all really depends on what youre trying to do, daily driver? track? alittle of both? how much HP you want? ls blocks(b18a's,b18b's) are one of the easiest to boost: low compression and are known to handle the beating. boosted stock like 7,8 ibs should be fine, 10 and over i would build the engine alittle more. b18c1's you would have to do alittle more to boost, and take in regard to that its high compression and when vtec hits. boost+vtec hitting at the same time = BOOM lol. not sure what would be light or on k20 swaps but hey go to here: i know its mainly for gen 2's but scroll from the top alittle down and it should list some engine specifics and why people boost them all that jazz. and always remember the tune!i was thinking if i should turbo my 95 ls or just get another engine... i really wanted to look up the weight difference between having my b18b or a k20a engine and turbo the b18b vs the k20a. or should i get a b18c1 and turbo that? which would be lighter?
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