Dude. Be careful driving toward SB that low. It scared the crap out of me once when I went a little past Gaviota. Theres a dip that got me at 50 mph! lmao
DA's have no clearance even though they don't look that low.
I already got a good scrape on some manholes in front of Quiznoes by WalMart. There are like four consecutive ones right there that are like perfectly rythmed to bounce the shit out of your car. And that was before I got her lowered some more. lmao Stiffened up the front dampers a little too to try to mitigate too much of that stuff andit's not tooooo drastic of a difference,. Just wanted to get rid of a wee teensy bit more of that fender gap. . We'll see how she does. :thumbs up
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