New Member
I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of brake lines i have to use when replacing the old ones
i + repped you for this comment and forgot to sign.because abs is for faggots
He still does. Lives in Portsmouth, right down the street from me.you need non-abs ones from a comparable DA, and then you need to have two lines custom made or if you can bend them yourself. If you are by chance around the midwest, I have one of the kits I am selling. There used to be a guy who sold them on G2IC, not sure if he still does.
if you slam on your brakes like that, your an idiot in the first place :roll:I think I'm a faggot too.
actually I've avoided hitting many deer in a non abs car that most people would have hit because I knew how to pump my brakes.....And you always have time to pump your brakes right, especially in emergencies?
winter is for chumsall i have to say is..... have fun driving next winter
i drive an 86 jeep without ABS in the snow every winter. Actually went drifting in a parking lot full of cars, Stopping was kind of a priority and I had NO problems. Does abs help the typical driver? YES! For someone who knows how to pump their brakes like they should, its more of a hinderence and in a DA it takes up a good amount of precious space in the engine bay. If ABS is SOOOOO important, explain how people got by for YEARS without it?all i have to say is..... have fun driving next winter
ok. all yall, walking around with your badass attitudes thinking your'e invinceable, and the best drivers out there.... lolwinter is for chums