Colorado Meet 'Chat Thread'


take my wheels I want to buy and prepare to have them stolen.... haha

but yeah I can live with my CF hood I like it being scratched cause if anyone ever stole it I would know it was mine.

and THANK YOU for telling me how to do that haha.


Hahaha you would try.... But e have cameras in front of my house and I'm pretty sure I would know it was you :p

And exactly, also makes it less likely to get stolen in the first place haha

And you are very welcome sir lol


yeah im big on not getting things stolen haha. you dont seem to think HR is a place stuff gets stolen from much! but your right we probably are one of the safest areas around.


Yeah we have one of the lowest crime rates around.... Trust me, it's NOTHING compared to certain other places I've lived haha, in Cali, you could leave a ike by your front door, go inside and get a drink, come out and it'd be gone. Here, I could leave my car running and nobody would touch it :lol: (I don't do that btw just an example :p)

Well I'm headed to bed. Hit me up tomorrow if there's anything interesting happenin


New Member
LoL all the parts on my car were bought by my girlfriend, the OEM JDM ITR valve cover, the Carbon fiber hood My last car she bought me an OEM si spoiler and tein springs... They were all birthday presents not just like gifts for no reason lol. Idk if I am gonna sell the hood, I might just put it back in the box during the winter and rock OEM, then pull it back out for summer. You guys should kick your parents cars out in the street and park in the garage like a baller lmao...

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damn mine hasnt done anything with cars really haha. hopefully that will change? idk haha. well cole im doing the studs tomorrow wanna help out after school?


New Member
haha lucky garage space and a GF that buys you gifts for your car!
Yeah, garage is definitely a must anywhere I live, not only for my car(s) but for my tools and a place to work... Yes I still live at home, lol its the cheapest thing to do while going to college lol. They were all birthday presents, plus we have been dating 5 years in july...


Sure thing broski. Text me tomorrow and we'll make it work. Gonna try and help out chris too while I'm at it


New Member
Wow, anyone ever just go to work? And earn their money?
I work, and go to school... I have my own business type thing though, work whenever I want lol. Not selling drugs either lol.... I also got super good grades in high school, so I got scholarships and grants, so I get paid to go to school lol...
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