Mismatched Gas Door


Active Member
I'm not a fan of it. But I guess its better than 2 different shades of red... but hell, keep it if ya like it. Some people pay ridiculous money for carbon fiber gas doors just to have contrast......lol


Don Megatron
Lol I like that I can close my gas door now, and in person it doesn't look TOO bad. Plus my car is pretty rare in my immediate area anyway so now it just has some more personality i guess lol


doesnt look terrible If you can paint it the right color red I would. But at least you have function!


Talon, that website you posted has ridiculous prices for paint lol. $25 for a spray can.

To the OP:
Before I opened this thread my thoughts were "Paint it black, everything goes good with black." Lol. I guess your on top of that one. Polish up the trim pieces so the black gas tank door doesn't look so out of place. :)


Lower pricing then the other link, but automotive touch up doesn't sell my color lol.
