Passenger side leak unfixed!


New Member
Hey guys, I have had a leak in the passenger side for a while now, I have tried many different techniques to fix this but nothing I have come across has worked.
Has anybody had this problem and successfully fixed it? If so can you please post the steps you took =D

Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
50% of the car is the passenger side.

Is this a leak under the dash?
A leak around the front window?
A leak in the trunk?

Blue Teggy

New Member

i have a leak in mine too and yes it is on the passanger side but its under the dash on the right side like right in front of the seatbelt alarm thingy ... it gets pretty damn deep sometimes i mean mines gutted so it not doing any harm but its still not cool to have a pool in your floor board


New Member
i used to have a leak too ...on the front passenger floor.....there is a write up on for it i followed...not sure if there is one on here


New Member
Wow would have thought this leak was famous with all G2 owners. The leak from the blower motor from the seals cracking or something.
It leaks from the dash onto the passenger carpet.
I have followed the g2 guide and no fixie! =(
