Things that annoy you thread.

Merlins Beard

*Beard not included
when i step in something, like gum or poop, and i cant get it off my shoe

when i think something new is wrong with my car and there is really nothing new wrong with it


Resident Asshole
mis-information on internet forums, dumb posters on internet forums...wait im describing Breezy, let me start over.

I too hate exams, Honda parts department people (minus toophatspitfire) lol, drivers that are too busy on their phone to see me next to them while they attempt to switch lanes...just to name a few


not a girl lol
People who don't signal.
People who go the speed limit or slower on the left lane.
Waking up early for class.
Trying to find a decent parking spot at the public college parking zone.
Preppy little white girls who drive huge SUVs (White girls are horrible drivers here).
Stereotypes .


People who talk shit about your car when they don't know shit about mine or theirs
Wait what? However I do hate when people talk crap about my car when they know nothing about it.

You need viagra and my da gsr. duh.
Hahahha. Yessir!

mis-information on internet forums, dumb posters on internet forums...wait im describing Breezy, let me start over.

What annoys me? When people half ass things cause they're lazy.


Straight Pipes
club integra nazis
this guy's retarded posts.

people that tailgate the shit out of you.
cruising on the parkway tonight, my buddy in his turbo Legacy and me in my teg.. Van rolls up on my ass, parkway splits into two lanes, I pull up alongside my buddy, van pulls right up on my ass.

speed limit's 40.. KM/H.
and it's winter..
and it's kind of raining..ish.
and it's dark.
do 32km/h for 3 km just to be safe.. thank god there's no side streets for other vehicles to blindly turn turn onto the parkway from.. or for the asshole in the van to escape on :D
he was mad pissed.


Extreme Music Addict
  • Ricers in general.
  • Waking up to go to class, even if it means getting there late.
  • Ridiculously bad matching Integras (trust me, I've seen a good handful already)
  • People who play their music TOO loud in their cars. (Meaning, having the whole 2 block radius hear what your car is playing)
  • Drivers who don't pay attention to the road.
  • Drives who care more about their phone call than getting into an accident.
  • People who misinterpret "JDM".