New Member
Yup. Those are theirs. That is priesker too at a BBQ we were having.Got a soldering gun so I'm set on that.
Is that germz integra in the background and his friend's red one I saw? Sure looks like them. And that's priesker park too, huh? Holy shit. lmfao
How'd you meet all these guys anyways? They seem kinda young. Or maybe I'm just old. lol
I fucking love your old DA man. Theirs had a clean look to them, but yours is way, way cleaner than theirs from what I've seen of it.
I just met them through friends and just hanging out at the lot.
We'll I go to Hancock and so do some of them. Some are younger than others.
I'm only 19 and just about 20 haha
Headed toward my Administrative Justice degree and hoping to be a part of SLO County Police.
I read A LOT though about Integras. Forums, webpages, word of mouth, & experience of my own.
I really don't like to talk out of my ass lol
So I like to research and you will never hear me say IM 100% SURE about something unless I really am.
Thanks man. I had a lot of headaches, frustration, and laughs with that car.
I don't think mine was as clean as theirs because I never finished it.
I was maybe one of the first guys with a DA with gold rims in SM.
I remember people talking crap before I bought them and I have always tried to be different.
Then I started watching people drive around town with black DA's and gold rims... WTH!