newest pics of the jankyteg


menace to sobriety
DOOD love it! if i was a chick i would totally tap that haha =P but seriously nice work love what you have done with this
thanks man

Is that civ_slut on your hood bwahahahaha jk
lol josh... nah its my friend sairah... civ-slut wanted to, but i turned her down haha

Who is that? Lol. did she get impaled by the spark plugs? Ha much love for this car :p
naw she was good, impaled by somthing else


menace to sobriety
newest pic of it in the garage, sorry for s***ty cell phone quality

and the door logo i painted up :D


I enjoy Integras.
Dude, beautiful. I love the originality :thumbs up

Reminds me of the trashed/sprayed S13 drift cars that I love so much.