Got some Tien coilovers coming so I'll see how both look.Completely dumped no. Dropped a couple inches yes.
Got some Tien coilovers coming so I'll see how both look.Completely dumped no. Dropped a couple inches yes.
x2konig rims are a german company... I don't really like how they look on the integra... I prefer them on vws... Lol that is just my opinion!
I wouldn't say you will get ripped on, but just so you know, almost everyone thinks that, but it's the price they pay to have an original teg... Some of the original factory wheels cost around the same as those Mugen NRs from the factory! Seriously, stock wheels can be worth almost 2 times as much as the car... lol I personally like the BBS meshes on the integra, they look great, and weigh almost nothing... Ran them on my VW, and they look hot on almost any car from the same time period...I'll probably get ripped for this I know, but I never saw the point in wheels/tires that far out weigh the KBB value of the vehicle. But I also understand that whatever a person is willing to pay makes up the personal value so get whatever you think makes your ride look good to you and screw the opinion of the masses....that's what makes your whip original.
Not so much worried about where they're made. I like them because of the finish and because they have sort of the same geometry as the stocks, but in eight spoke pattern. Simple, clean and they have a connection to the OEM look of the vehicle if you're looking at the car and know your shit. There was a little bit of thought that went into this, just so you know. Thanks for your perspective though. :thumbs up I'll know for sure how they look next friday.Konig rims are a German company... I don't really like how they look on the integra... I prefer them on VWs... lol That is just my opinion!
Someone who thinks the new Mugens look shitty on G2 Integras and who understands that someone asking for opinions of which is the best looking Mugen wheel on his car is probably not racing it and probably isn't loaded so there is no point in them tracking down good forged vintage japanese racing wheels when they would be perfectly happy with some good looking wheels....even if they are heavy knock-offs?WTF who recommends Rotas/Konigs over Mugen lmao
i like that.the nr's are nice wheels, but i didn't care for them on the da. The mr5s are always nice, i still want some m7s
not mine...