I can't really find anything.... Headers for '93


New Member
Ive seen a few headers.. Dc, rmf etc... I DO NOT want DC everyone has mixed emotions on them and i would rather have something more reliable. What do i do??? :x lol im so confused at what to do... i have an upcoming birthday so i will the money to get whatever. any advice ur experience is very appreciated. THANKS!


level 77 troll
You would think with our cars being 20 years old, they'd develop a 4-1 that fits perfect, guess that'd be to practical lol


Resident Asshole
ebay...and im being serious lol. You'll get the same power gains from a freaking ebay header that you will any other header under 1k bucks. 2-4whp gains, thats it.


New Member
I would just get a traction bar or trim the lip on the stock front support and get a nicer 4-1 header that will give you nice top end gains. 4-2-1 is okay for mid-range, but you get almost nothing up top which is where most people want it, but it depends what you are looking for. I prefer the RMF replica myself, because you are actually still producing power at fuel cut if you have a solid engine with that header, and that is pretty rare.

WAR 178

Premium User
ebay...and im being serious lol. You'll get the same power gains from a freaking ebay header that you will any other header under 1k bucks. 2-4whp gains, thats it.
x2 in the long run.
Ive used greddy 4-1
and Im using 5Zigen jasma 4-1 now. :thumbs up