decision to make or break my life

Phantom Phreak

New Member
so i know some one that is selling an automatic 91 teggy da b18a the extirior is solid no rust fresh paint job on steelies but no biggy. but the problem with the car is the timing belt broke and fucked up 3 valves in the head. he wants to sell it nothing else is really wrong with the car is it a good buy or should i just say fuck it. and what would the cost value go as far as parts and labor and what would i have to do to get it running again.


level 77 troll
Craigslist swap, $400 tops, offer him 700 at most, it's basically a shell at this point, as good as having no motor


Well-Known Member
Unless you have experience rebuilding engines, or the time and money to tackle the repair, look somewhere else for a car.

Phantom Phreak

New Member
Craigslist swap, $400 tops, offer him 700 at most, it's basically a shell at this point, as good as having no motor
what exactly do you mean by craigslist swap? what does that entail?

Unless you have experience rebuilding engines, or the time and money to tackle the repair, look somewhere else for a car.
Jason hit that nail on the head
^^well i have a friend that has a teggy 91 and refurbished the head and did a lot of the mechanics himself i have a cb7 at the moment and im trying to sell it or trade it, i really want a 91 teggy cuz i help him work on his and im really liking em more and more


New Member
Buy a b18b swap for 1400 with a 5spd trans and put it in yourself. Don't pay more than 800$ for the car.


nothing from nowhere
well, see how cheap you can get it for, if you do it yourself the parts probally wont be $300


level 77 troll
What I meant by Craigslist swap, was that you can find a running b18a1 swap for under $400 all day on Craigslist, offer him $600 get your motor for $400 tops, and if you can do the work then you're only spending $1000, plus maybe $200 in random odds and ends, like spark plugs, wire, etc...


New Member
Nobody will buy that car at 1k...

Walk away and he will come crying over to you again.
Get a 5speed too. Youll regret an auto