Noob needs help obd0 vs. obd1


new new newbie
OP, pull the ECU out for a minute and pop off the 5 screws on the top. Then take a pic of the board and we can tell if it's socketed.
2 possibilities:
A) It isn't socketed and chipped and needs to be. Most places I've seen charge $75-125 to do this.
B) It is socketed and you need to get someone to burn a p61 base map onto a chip.
Most tuners will burn you a base map like that for $10-20. They just might have to go online to get the p61 map.
Great thank you I will check that out first thing in the morning. nope know whhat I will go out now my camera has a flash lol


new new newbie

I hope these two are good I will post them all in my album it is the EPROM which I assume is what u meant by chipped. EPROM socket looks like it was hand soldered in instead of by a machine so I hope it is socketed and chipped
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new new newbie
Sorry for the dbl post from what Ive read that isnt supposed to be done. Like I said I have never been on a forum before and I have to say you guys are great and very helpful thank you. But todays update is that I replaced the tps because I had a new one inside the car when I got it. The car idled up to 3000 rpm-3300 rpm then the idle hunting began again. I found the brass headed screw at the bottom of the throttle plate but it appeared blocked off on the inside. Anyway I am not sure which one is the IAC on the back of plenum or under the throttle plate?


Resident Asshole
Backside of the Intake manifold. Should be held on by 2 bolts. Take it off and spray some brake or carb cleaner on the screens to clean them out. Put it back on and see if that helps
