Whale Penis CF Intake... Any good?


comptech ice box will get the most gains


New Member
from what ive herd they dont give any increase in performace if so maybe just a tiny but it just makes a nice sound


some applications of an sri gives more power than a cai (im not sure how true this really is). But i dont think thats the situation with our tegs! the bypass vavle will help the hydrolock problem with the cai. this costs a decent amount more than just a short ram though.

Some people are very anti-sri because they think the heat soak is 'robbing' them. But you wont really notice much of a difference in an intake until you upgrade the tb and intake mani with an intake anyways.

Honestly, get what YOU want to get.


Wachamego Racing #1
I have a 96 GS-R wit the whale penis and I actually like it. I used to own a DC Sports SRI, and when I swapped with the whale penis I noticed a slight gain around 4.7K to 9.5K. And just like everybody else says on here it does have a pretty loud deep tone but nothing unbearable. Actually beaten a mustang( two different cars), a Accord with a H-series, and another GS-R with the same mods I have only with a AEM V2 CAI. :twisted:


Idk what to put here...
So Specialist Rolan, are you admitting to street racing? lol I personally have an AEM SRI and im quite mpressed with it, i did pick up noticable power on the top end, not much but noticable indeed. part of the reason i got it was because it was brand new and i traded my $30 HIDs for it lol


New Member
Its ok for looks, but as far as gains go, you might as well just stick with a normal, and CHEAPER SRI because its going to give you the same performance.

Ive never really been a fan of the WP, I'll just stick with my AEM penis.