New Member
Yes they were less 97 ITRs produced for the Us Something like 600 or some number there isnt anyone who is sure on this number. There were 1500 ish GSR's produced for the US and canada, but you have to consider the most over looked part of the whole thing. In 92 people didnt buy hondas for the same reason we do now, so many of the GSR's were trashed and crashed and things of that nature. While with the ITR's people knew about the car and bought it for the reason that the car is. So to say an ITR would be more rare then a GSR Production number wise would be 100% correct but to say that its more rare then an ITR today wouldn't be correct. People are known to hide away there ITR's or keep them in there garages and what now, so the GSR is actually alot more rare now a days. To get a good price from someone you would have to find a buyer who would know about the car and the motor and how rare its becoming.