Rear wiper delete?


New Member
I am going to see what I can find at the hardware store also... lol I seen something a while back that might work...

Ok, so I found the list of parts needed, and the prices from acura:

90301-SR3-000 Hatch Window Plug $10 on ebay, or 15.85 from Acura
76707-ST7-000 Grommet $6.53
90156-SH3-000 Bolt $1.12
94103-14200 Washer $?.??
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New Member
Maybe for looks.. but not weight. Odd thread.
If you look at any weight reduction thread, it would state that this is a heavy item, and it is! Over 5lbs... lol Anyhow, I found out, that you can use a plug from a sink plug kit, to achieve the same thing, and it's cheaper, and you can get it in chrome! :D


New Member
I finished the project, it came out well. I will get pictures and post. I got an 1-3/4" hole plug for a faucet, at the hardware store. It has a longer thread all on the back, and a small metal mechanism to hold it in. It cost me a whole $1.99 and I got a couple of small rubber washers in the same isle. The washers fit right into the opening, and close it up water tight! The whole thing cost me as follows:

$1.99 for the plug, it is metal.
$0.79 Each for 2 rubber washers that are an inch and a half in diameter.

Total: $4.28 with taxes included!

It looks half decent, but I need to paint the cap black to match, as it is chrome right now... Pictures to come!