Putting On Yellow Capsules?


New Member
I got a 93 LS and I was wondering how I could put the yellow capsules on the fog light bulb.
Does anyone have a link, or can give me instructions on how I can put them on?

Please and Thank You:)


Internet Hate Machine
You have to separate your headlights. I'm assuming you have JDM one pieces? There's a write up on G2IC on this and I think a how-to for taking your lights apart. It's self explanatory once you open them up. Good luck. :)


New Member
You have to separate your headlights. I'm assuming you have JDM one pieces? There's a write up on G2IC on this and I think a how-to for taking your lights apart. It's self explanatory once you open them up. Good luck. :)
So your saying your not able to take them off from the back like the simple twist type bulb with socket?

Thanks, Tony.