6,000k or 8,000k ??


Active Member
I have 6k white from ddm. It's alright but if I could go back in time and change something, I wouldn't have bought it.


Active Member
why jazon? u mean the temp 6k or all in general?
No the 6k's are fine. It's just personal preference. I shouldn't have fallen into the trend. They may look kool but I could've put the money to better use. I could live without hids.

C Aaron

New Member
No the 6k's are fine. It's just personal preference. I shouldn't have fallen into the trend. They may look kool but I could've put the money to better use. I could live without hids.
well that makes sense.. with those 40 bucks you can fill a gas tank or so


BBHG.. one love.
definitely 6k. i dont like my 8k's... too blue. i really want to do a retrofit. plug and play kits suck lol


Hey It's Me!
6000k (kelvin) or above is played out IMO. It almost looks rice if it's too blue. pure white looks so much cleaner, especially on black cars. if u are still not convinced, get 6000 kelvin.

In the near future I plan to get 4500K from DDM Tuning.
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New Member
4300k pits out the most lumens. Lumens=visibility.

I wouldnt go over 6k. What's the point in "upgrading" to HID kits (like 8k+) if you LOSE visibiity?
You won't loose visibility to upgrade to have 8k+.Your car will actually be more noticable.:)
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