Christian Integra Squad


Super Moderator
Ever wonder why the term theology, defined as the study of god and religious faith, so closely resembles the word theory? It is because it is theory. (Yes, I know it's really derived from Theos lol) Everyone has their theories, their own beliefs and their own opinions and one or the other can't be proved otherwise or the term would probably be switched to factology. But as it sits, it's all just theories and interpretation and it is a 100% completely pointless to even argue with someone's own personal beliefs.

I could honestly careless about this thread being here. Because, like any other thread, if I don't like it or think I may find it offensive, then I just don't have to click on it. That is the same exact reasoning we used to leave other threads alive such as the "racist joke thread" that can be highly offensive. Although I would never have made this because I don't feel I need to rattle on to strangers about my beliefs and personal views. I'm fine keeping them to myself, since they only matter to me and nobody else anyway. But I would think the outcome of this thread so far was highly predictable. Might as well make a political thread too, see how that one goes. i bet I could make a fairly accurate guess.
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have you heard of the flying spaghetti monster religion.. it's a real religion... and it makes me sad to think there are some people out there who worship clouds who form to look like this non living "entity" and whenever they see any shape or object that portrays the image of the spaghetti monster or whatever they worship and give thanks over it.
That would be Tyler. xD

So according to this if I go outside and stab somebody in the face, and I ask for forgiveness than I am good to go? So I can just be a complete ass my whole life and as long as I ask for forgiveness on my deathbed I am good?
I think it has something to do with truely being sorry for it, or something? I wouldn't be the one to know that.

And Prozon, I don't think it's joking to realize you don't believe in god or religion, feel free to pm on that, my lack of belief doesn't mean I am making fun of anyone. Food for thought.
Not what I was getting at. But if you feel the need to discuss your lack of beliefs with me, i'm here for ya buddy. :D

I hope you guys feel like shit. I hope your realize sometime in your life that you are wrong, and I hope that God forgives you for being so ignorant. Now normally I would not say anything about Atheists but since you asked, there you go.
Bit much isn't it?

so how do you think us non-religous people feel right now?

And i'm sorry, but if religions can't be spoken about in public schools, they shouldn't be here- on a piblc forum.

IMO go join a religion forum, not hog our bandwith.

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No one is forcing the non-religious types to click this forum. Why go to a Christian thread if it offends you? If you dislike Filipino's why the eff would you go the Filipino thread?!

And while we're at it, lets just remove all free speech of any kind. Would that make you happy?

I just dont think a moderator should be going for petty name calling.
No reason to silence him just because he's a moderator. As long as he isn't editing our posts or deleting them without cause, he should be able to say whatever he wants just as anyone else.

Jim, maybe you should put a disclaimer in the first post stating that if Christianity offends you, the thread should not be looked at. It seems to me that a lot of people are getting offended by this being here. It seems odd to me that anyone should care what anyone faith or lack of faith is.

Ever wonder why the term theology, defined as the study of god and religious faith, so closely resembles the word theory? It is because it is theory.
I thought it was because the root words "Theo" means god and "Logy" is study of. Lol. Other then that, I agree with what you said in the post.


Super Moderator
I thought it was because the root words "Theo" means god and "Logy" is study of. Lol. Other then that, I agree with what you said in the post.
It does. The word is actually derived from the Greek word Theos. I was just kidding about it actually being derived from theory, although that is really what most of it consist of.

I should probably add a "j/K lol" in there. Someone's liable to get all hostile and act like I was serious and really thought that's what it meant. lol


New Member
wow, this was directed to the christains on the site to have a way to show ther faith, it was never meant to become a battle of whose beliefs are right, the only requirement was to be a christian,i didnt say anywhere if you wernt that you can come and bash, i dont care what your beliefs are, thats entirely up to you and your god, whoever or whatever that may be.this country was founded on gods principles, alot of you guys are too young to know that because most of it has been shooed away to be "politically correct". I dont care what they do with this thread and i dont care if they ban me, i will never be ashamed of my god. May god bless all of you.


have you heard of the flying spaghetti monster religion.. it's a real religion... and it makes me sad to think there are some people out there who worship clouds who form to look like this non living "entity" and whenever they see any shape or object that portrays the image of the spaghetti monster or whatever they worship and give thanks over it.
that is exactly what every other religion is, its a bunch of ridiculous stuff and they throw the word "Faith" out there to make it believable... "oh you just gotta believe" is there any "living entity" in your religion, or any other? is there one you can go and talk to? or prove existed? no..
That would be Tyler. xD.

i personally don't believe in religions, there's so many its ridiculous to think one is RIGHT. There might be a god, might not... not really my main concern
i like the church of the flying spaghetti monster because it shows how ridiculous religions can be and still be believed, people of mainstream faiths think the church of FSM silly, but go read all of the ridiculous story's in your book, they are not that much more believable.....
I'm not trying to bash peoples religion, I'm not telling you your wrong, I'm just saying... IMO its all pretty silly if your really think about it.

Im sorry jim for trolling your thread and i mean no disrespect, just felt like I had to make a point clear.
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To all fellows Christian believers: Merry Christmas to you and yours. Stay strong and believe in the Lord our God. We shall see each other soon in his house.