ahh things that anoy me.. hmm
work, I hate work, everybody should just beable to drive around at 400mph and not have to worry about having to go to work.
girlfriend, I didnt text you because i didnt know you wanted to be texted!
pepsi, not as good as coke
computers, why cant they just be simple!
school, why dont they just make a microchip which plugs into our brains, we could just download knowlage instead of having to learn it all.
planes, why do they always fly over my house!?!?!?!?!?! why cant they just make a highway where you can travel at the speed of sound that way you wont have to interupt my phone calls every 2 mins.
birds, why do they INSIST on getting up at 2am and chirping outside my window, I killed their great grand parents, their grandparents, their parents and still the dont get the hint to go away!
ok i'm dont ranting on