Integra Avatar?...


Frequent Blogger
Where do you make those avatars/ cartoons???...

its got the three views of the the car... (front side rear)

people usually use it as their signature


Active Member
Where do you make those avatars/ cartoons???...

its got the three views of the the car... (front side rear)

people usually use it as their signature
Photo editing using paint or photoshop.
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Frequent Blogger
naah thats not what im talking about ....
this should help....


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Looks like the Integra on some little drag racer game. I think it's on newgrounds or something? There is a customize option in the game.

I could be wrong though, someone could have free-handed those and changed colors.


Frequent Blogger
yea I found the link to the site, but it wont let me register?...


New Member
wow such a nice and good thread being continue here,,as well as also you are providing good info,,and i will must say its just due to yours all the efforts and hard work which can be seen here..good work,,good luck..:)