Installed my GC sleeves


New Member
298 shipped brand new :)

I let them settle for 250 miles and I took corner measurements and the passengerside is only 1/16th of an inch lower than right :)

I have yet to bottom my struts out, but my exhaust is too low to go over any speedbumps, and it hits the grounds on big dips.


New Member

turn them bitches all the way already!
i deliver pizza 6 days a week and the street that runs behind my work has 6 speed bumps- it's a pain in the ass!

and being super slammed on stock wheels= fail (IMO)

i'm most likely picking up a 92/93 front bumper, and while it's up on stands i'll most likely raise the rear 1/4 inch and lower front 1/2" :lol: