guy_from_nerks 4dr build thread...the quest for 10's


Resident Asshole
So maybe October was too early to play an April fools joke lol. Some of you will be glad to know that I do in fact still have the Integra, others will be happy to know that HUGE changes are coming. I am going to basically re-do the Integra once again. The only thing that will remain the same will be the motor and interior. 1st big update coming this week, stay tuned


New Member
No friggin shit! I couldnt believe it when i read that!

Keep us updated... this thread is ALIVE ONCE AGAIN!!@!@$ BWAHAHAAHA <-- evil laugh

Oh... and how is the baby doing...? how is daddy life coming?


Resident Asshole
Tyson (my son) is getting big, he is 27in and 17lbs, hard to believe he is almost 5 months old. Father hood is awesome, the smile on his face can take me out of any shitty mood lol.

I will make sure he is posing next to his daddy's latest aquisition this weekend lol. I am planning on going and picking it up saturday.

I am litterally going to change the entire look of this car over the next 5-6 months, the only thing on the car thats staying the same as I said is the Interior (for the most part) and the engine (sort of lol)


You scared the crap outta me haha. Glad it's still goin :thumbs up


Resident Asshole
Haha sorry, I had been planning that for a while now. Anyways since I feel bad for pulling such a mean prank on you all I will go ahead and post up what I am picking up saturday

JDM ITR Front (w/black housed headlights)

*NOTE* This is not the actual front end I am getting, but its identical. I will post actual pics of my front on saturday after picking it up

Told ya I was switching shit up, trust me there is alot more yet to come!
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New Member
I want a jdm front... as soon as i move back to niagra falls, I think I'mma get one, there like 600-750$ mint in toronto


New Member
Damn man... NICE... JDM front!~ Cant wait to see updated pics!

And as far as the daddy/baby thing... i feel ya.... walking in from the worst day at work.. and seeing my son's smiling and happy face can completely change my mood to good.... Children are the most rewarding thing in the world.

Keep us updated~


Resident Asshole
10/20/10: Fab-Worx had too good of a deal on their turbo manifolds to pass up. I picked up a topmount manifold for $700 shipped. I went with a T3/44mm flange setup. Should have it here in next couple weeks, once it arrives Ill get some pics up for ya. Check em out at