IFO pics.


Well-Known Member
this was on the 19th and there were a ton of other cars but i was taking pics mainly of our s2k.
a lot of pics i didn't take but a lot i did they're all mixed in
only a few integras and most of the pics i took i still haven't uploaded :(
Neil of Humble Performance in Tulsa, ok's k-swapped integra


the one the only falo tech

only outlaw car that showed

so far 640@27psi on maxed out wastegate. waiting on new springs
just washed before the big day

adding more pics.
thought i'd post these for now


Well-Known Member
continuing on!

and there's more i'm just getting tired of hunting for them. anyways it was a great turn out for sure!!


Well-Known Member
Yup! The s2k is the baby. One mean baby too! Unfortunately the rear end couldn't handle the power so s2k gets a new rear end and rachels projects is now.... Still going were just shooting for not as low of numbers now :/


Well-Known Member
more pics!! finally got some more off the camera

it was reeeeeally hot so there's a few pics where i was inside the truck lol